Thursday, January 20, 2011

Daniel Butler

Here we are, two weeks into the greatest semester of our college careers.  Everything has finally settled down and we are looking forward to what else is to come.  We have our first week of Statistics behind us, our second test tomorrow, and in just two more weeks we will be done with the entire class.  Everything is moving fast, but we are all moving right along with it. 

This past weekend, some of the GLS crew and I took at trip to Bath and Stonehenge.  The history that surrounds both of these places was incredible. However, those are not the end of the trips for this group of scholars, we have trips planned for everywhere in Europe.  Paris, Dublin, Berlin, Florence, Rome, Madrid, Barcelona, Amsterdam, the list goes on and on.  We all are definitely using this semester as a time to not only learn and experience the world of work abroad, but as a time we can see the world and experience multitudes of cultures and places.

Yesterday, we all took a trip to Shakespeare's The Globe and the Tower of London.  It was great to see both of these, but the Tower of London was my favorite.  We toured an 11th Century castle, saw the armor of the kings of England, the Crown Jewels, and where people were beheaded and tortured throughout history.  It was remarkable to walk through the hallways and touch the walls where kings and queens had walked.    

One of my favorite things that we have done as a class here are the discussions that Dr. Mee (our Statics 207 teacher) has put together about C.S. Lewis and his journey towards finding faith.  It has been a great outlet for us to raise questions about our own faith and give support to others and be a community together.  We are taking a trip to Oxford this weekend so that we can get a first hand few of Lewis and where he was while he completed his works.

There is still much to do here in London and who knows if we will be able to experience it all, but we are definitely taking advantage of the time we have here and the opportunities that have been presented to us.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Greetings from Tennessee -
    Sounds like you guys have had a fantastic start to the semester AND doing some amazing traveling! Stonehenge, Tower of London and the Globe theatre - what fantastic places to see and learn about! The series on C.S. Lewis sounds fascinating - I look forward to reading more about it. Hope you guys have a great weekend!
