Thursday, April 21, 2011

Brianna Milam

These past four months in London have flown by faster than I can even begin to describe.  It feels like just yesterday that we were exhaustedly dragging our bags through the rain into our 17th century flats and beginning to explore the new culture we suddenly found ourselves immersed in, but today we are packing our bags to hop back on a plane to the U.S.
I’ve enjoyed my time in London, and throughout the past few months, I have learned a great deal about myself and my fellow GLSers.   I think that the time we have spent here has brought us together not only because have we learned and worked together, but because we have explored, discovered, and laughed together.  We have successfully travelled the world as a group of 27, and in doing so, we have become study partners, travel buddies, and best friends.
Living abroad has had its challenges – from wrong directions to misunderstood words, sometimes it’s a bit difficult to adjust to a culture that seems so similar yet, in reality, is so different.  I still catch myself finding new differences almost every day, but each new thing I learn makes me feel a little closer to being a true Londoner.
I’ve met some wonderful people through my internship and had many unforgettable experiences in London.  I’m sad to be leaving this beautiful city behind, but I know that when I return home, I will still have my GLS class to reminisce with me about the ‘good old days across the pond’.  It’s time for me to return home and see where else my life and the GLS program will lead me.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Genna Rossi

 I'm glad we had the times together just to laugh and sing a song, seems like we just got started and then before you know it, the times we had together were gone.
 (Dr. Seuss)

           “Learning by doing” is the phrase I think of when I think of our Global Leadership Scholars experience. Whether that means being knocked down from standing on the left side of the escalators or taste testing a different peanut butters to make London feel like home, it’s funny to admit that we’ve all brought a little piece of our culture to London. By far, I’m most impressed with each of our personal growth. I am proud to say I can now make travel arrangements like my Dad AND actually get us beyond the confines of the airport! The majority of us have averaged about six trips during our short four months here. We have expanded our horizons through cultural submersions and it’s definitely something I’m going to miss.

            Secondly, the culture of independent living in London is something worth missing. We’ve planned, we’ve discovered, and we’ve lived the great adventures of everyday Londoners. Whether it be the food stalls of the Borough Market or the soccer fields of Regent’s Park, I’m proud to say I’ve checked off the majority of sites on my “to-do” list.

            In our last month of April, we started off the first weekend touring the Olympic Site and riding atop the London Eye. How amazing it was to see London in a whole new perspective! This past weekend, Thien and I took one last adventure to see beautiful Stockholm, Sweden! It was a great way to end our traveling seeing Kungliga Slottet royal palace, Stadshusset city hall, eating delicious Tunnbrodsrull! Being so close to the end of our adventures in London, it was easy to admit that we missed our friends back in London already!

            I’m not going to lie, I’ve definitely been thinking about all the little things I miss about home (not to mention, all of the talk about Chik-fil-A makes me believe that everyone else agrees with me). Looking back, this has been the most wonderful learning experience I have ever had. I am going to miss so much of London, and I can only hope that one day I’ll be able to return and reminisce.

            Reflecting on one of the best things about this experience is being the fact that I have been graced by the presence of twenty-seven wonderful friends just within the confines of the building. The bond we have made with each other is the most unforgettable part of this journey. Little did I know getting on a plane alone four months ago I’d have so many learning experiences with friends that have been there with me through it all. 

            I don’t think I’m the only one who’ll admit that we’re all going to be a little lonely without each other. For the past four months we’ve been rubbing off on each other and I’m happy to admit that a little piece of GLS greatness will be left in London. It’s hard to believe that in one week we’ll all be back to Blackberry messaging, homemade meals, and having dishwashers…well, maybe it won’t be so bad after all!

            This experience has taught me a lot about myself and building relationships with others. I have learned that without the amazing friends I have been surrounded with, this experience would not be the same. London is a wonderful place worth exploring and through our explorations, I have learned so much more than I could ever imagine.